在炎熱的Chiapas 縣是很受歡迎的,遊客就更多不勝數。
Agua Azul and Miso ha are famous for the beautiful pristine water. The waterfall is with magnificent view and they are very popular among the locals and travelers from other countries.
Agua Azul
Misol Ha
How to enjoy the water?
===============Practical Info 實用資料 ================================
1. How to go - Suggest to join day tour from Palenque since it s a bit expensive to arrange
the transport yourself. Can be 1000MXN by taxi to Agua Azul with the driver waiting.
My recent tour at March 2012 cost around 200MXN (only transportation to Palenque ruin, Misol-Ha, and Agua Azul, not include the entrance fee)
怎麼去 -由於自行前往的公共交通不太方便,建議參加從Palenque 出發的一日團,2012年三月價格約200MXN (只包前往Palenque ruin, Misol-Ha, 和 Agua Azul的交通)。到 Agua Azul的計程車可能要花1000MXN(連司機等候)。
2. The entrance fee is around 20 - 30MXN each as of March 2012
各要付20 - 30MXN才可進入
3. Estimated time for Agua Azul is around 2 hours and Misol-Ha around 1 hour (exclude time for swimming)
遊覽時間 - Agua Azul約2 小時,Misol-Ha約1小時
4. There are different shops and stalls around selling food, drinks, and even souvenir.
Be careful with the current of waterfall, some areas are a bit dangerous