Mezcal -
a distilled alcoholic beverage made from the maguey plant of Oaxaca! It is very famous and those mezcal shops are always with free tasting. Usually, those 1 day tour may include a visit to the mezcal factory as well
Some are even made with a worm inside the bottle!
Tamales -
a kind of corn dough with a savory or sweet filling and typically wrapped in corn husks or banana leaves. The packets are steamed and eaten traditionally served with Atole.
Atole -
A warm almost porridge-like drink made with masa (corn dough). There are chocolate flavor or are with fruits or nuts.
Chapulines -
A grasshopper which is crispy fried then coated in with a mixture of salt and ground chiles and served as a snack (botanas).
mole -
a smooth sauce blended of onion, garlic, several varieties of chilies, ground seeds and a small amount of chocolate. It is important to note that not all moles contain chocolate. Mole negro is from Oaxaca.(Though Puebla also claim they are the origin)
Mayordomo is the traditional brand selling chocolate and mole there.
混合蔥、蒜、辣椒、種子和少量巧克力造成的醬料。要注意的是,並非所有的 Mole都包含巧克力。Oaxaca出名是黑 Mole之鄉(雖然Puebla也聲稱是它的發源地)
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