基本西班牙語 - 住宿

你們有房間嗎?                                               ¿Tiene habitaciones disponibles?

單人房間價錢多少?                                       ¿Cuánto cuesta una habitación sencilla?

雙人房間價錢多少?                                       ¿Cuánto cuesta una habitación doble?

我需要一輛出租車到酒店X                            Necesito un taxi para ir al hotel X

你可以晚點才打掃我的房間,好嗎?           ¿Puede limpiar mi habitación más tarde, por 

我想撥打國際長途電話                                   Quisiera hacer una llamada internacional

我可以用互聯網?                                           ¿Puedo conectarme con el internet?

沒有任何熱水。                                               No hay agua caliente.

看看房間可以嗎?                                           ¿Me permite ver el cuarto?

包括餐費嗎?                                                   ¿Están las comidas incluidas ?

空調                                                                    con aire acondicionado

陽台                                                                    el balcón

床                                                                        la cama

鑰匙                                                                    la llave

電梯                                                                    el ascensor

我愛火山 I love volcanoes (II) - Nevado de Toluca

Another volcano sat nearby Mexico City is Nevado de Toluca (4690m), México's fourth highest peak.  It has a 1.5-km-wide summit crater and attracts many tourists.  I have a Mexican friend living in Toluca and thus I visited there after staying overnight at their house.  With them, I can really feel the kindness of Mexicans towards friends!

The plaza at night

My friends

I also took the chance to see around the city Toluca which is an industrial city but also got something good to see for a day.
Cosmo Vitral Jardín Botánico built in 1909 
With 48 stain glass frames designed by Leopoldo Flores

Inside the church with a wedding ceremony


==============Practical Information===================
1. It takes only 1 hr from Toluca to Mexico City (if for airport, add up 30mins) by bus.  
The frequency is around 1 per hour.

2. To go up the volcano from Toluca, it was MXN 500 (round trip) by taxi in Jan 2012.
If you want to drive by yourself, take Highway 134 then Highway 3.

3. Best season to climb is dry season Nov to March.

4. For food, the simple but famous La Gloria Chocolateria y Pan 1876 is good to try some tacos al pastor.  If you like hot chocolate, dont miss the traditional ones there.

我愛火山 I love volcanoes (I) - Popocatépetl

Living in Mexico City, you will get used to have some slight shaking motion daily with the nearby volcanoes.  After the serious earthquake in 1985,  many buildings are required to be earthquake proof.  During the days when the volcano is less active, it is allowed to get closer to see the beautiful summit of Popocatépetl (5452m)

I have visited the easily accessible Amecameca to do a day trip but you may also choose to stay there for 1 or 2 nights with camping along the hiking trail from La Joya.
(Of course, dont forget to hire a trekking guide if you want to climb the volcano).

我就到過交通方便的Amecameca,玩了一天;但你也可以選擇在那裡留上1或2晚,從La Joya沿登山步道露營。


stuff selling in Market

The seed is kept in winter for planting

The man sleeping on the tomb!!!!
=================Practical Information 實用資料 =======================
1. Amecameca is the popular access point to Popocatépetl from Mexico by 2 hours in bus.
And then you may take shared transport or taxi to Paso de Cortés (3650m) to appreciate the summit.

2. Shared van is available only occasionally, so car rental or taking taxi is necessary.  (I tried bargaining and taxi return price is around 300MXN at Feb 2012)

3. The plaza in Amecameca is with a market selling many stuff and many food stalls where the beautiful church stands under the beautiful scenery of volcano.  A typical food made is Cecina.


Veracruz is famous for the aquarium, beach, as well as the coffee served by waiter pouring from high up like a performance and you can even choose to have more or less milk.


Moreover, the famous voladores flying performance on top of the rod is originated from Papantla, which also is the base of the pyramid heritage, El Tajin.  Veracruz is about 3hours from Papantla in bus.
此外,在桿頂上著名的voladores表演源於Papantla,那裡也是El Tajin金字塔遺產基地。從 Veracruz 坐巴士到Papantla約3小時。
Therefore, I think Veracruz is a good option for short break during weekend.


I used to travel around Mexico City at weekends and sometimes to other provinces at longer holiday.
This time, I have chosen Veracruz, a costal city.  However, quite a number of Mexican friends have been worried with my solo travel there.  Because they have heard horrible news particularly for the costal area which is convenient for drug trafficking.
Well, lets go together and see how this city is.

Shark in Aquarium 水族館內的沙魚

costal area