點解Cancún o禁好玩!
Why Cancún is a must!
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre ella y Tailandia? ¿por qué gastar ese dinero?
What is the difference between it and Thailand?why to spend that money?
la respuesta - ¡El Mar Caribe es súper!
The answer - The Carribean Sea is super!
Cancún es sin lugar a dudas el primer destino a nivel nacional con el mayor tráfico de turistas de todo el mundo. Con una excelente ubicación geográfica, Playa del Carmen,Tulúm, Chichen Itza ,Xel-há son las joyas aquí.
Cancun is certainly the first destination nationwide with the most traffic oftourists from around the world. With an excellent location, Playa delCarmen, Tulum, Chichen Itza, Xel-Ha are the gems here.
坎昆無疑是全國最多世界各地遊客蜂擁而至的目的地。憑藉優越的地理位置,Playa del Carmen、Tulum、Chichen Itza、Xel-Ha是這裡的寶石。
Cancún está dividido en dos zonas importantes, el Centro de la ciudad y la Zona Hotelera, ambas ofrecen una amplia gama de hoteles, restaurantes, bares y servicios en general.
Cancun is divided into two major areas, the center of the city and the Hotel Zone, both offering a wide range of hotels, restaurants, bars and services in general.
坎昆分為兩個主要領域 - 中心城市和酒店區,不同類型的酒店,餐館,酒吧和服務都在這裡提供。
Never try to go in summer break or you will be in competition for the rooms with Americans and Canadians
The cost is much lower to rent a car to share with severals rather than joining the local tours.
It is also more flexible.
3 - Chichen Itza要用上數小時,而Xel-Ha要用上大半天(門票包自助餐同飲品)
It takes several hours in Chichen Itza and more than half day in Xel-Ha.
4 - Tulum有較便宜的住宿選擇,也較Playa del Carmen受歡迎
Cheaper accommodation options are available in Tulum and most will prefer Tulum than Playa del Carmen.