危地馬拉精華遊 - Antigua

Antigua -

主要活動活火山 Volcán Pacaya ,參加 Volcán Pacaya 的半天本地登山團55Q,包來回接送、登山嚮導。登山入口約海拔1900m,必須有嚮導陪同,坐車前往約1.5hr。1:30pm集合,5:00pm 到達火山口,約 5:35pm 開始下山,8:30pm 返回。




Antigua有很多colonial 建築物,parque central (中央公園)是主要商店、銀行的集中地。

Azotea Coffee Farm - 有免費shuttle來回parque central,入場費50Q ;喜歡喝咖啡的應該去看看。



Chichicastenango -

從 Antigua 可乘旅行社的穿梭巴士前往,車費 US$10,車程約 2 小時。市集逢星期日和星期四舉行,從早上八、九時左右開始到下午三、四時

危地馬拉精華遊 - Panajachel

短短7-8日在危地馬拉只能走馬看花到Panajachel 、Antigua和Tikal,skip guatemala city(因為聽到的口碑都沒有什麼大不了)。
I was in Guatemala only for 7-8 days and could merely visit Panajachel,Antigua and Tikal, while skipping Guatemala City which is notorious for crime and nothing particular in sightseeing.

Panajachel - 

主要活動火山湖 Lago de Atitlán,登上沿岸小鎮 San Pedro 、Santiago 和 San Antonio 。可參加一天的遊湖團,也可直接到碼頭自己找船前往,25Q Santiago, 20Q San Pedro。 到 San Pedro 的船程約一小時,到達後停留約 1 小時 20 分鐘繼續前往 Santiago。我覺得那些島有點像香港的離島,四處走走看看居民生活、市塲和chapel。
This town is famous for the lake aside the volcano, Lago de Atitlán and those villages San Pedro, Santiago and San Antonio.  You may join 1 day tour or take the boat at pier which costed 25Q to Santiago, 20Q to San Pedro.  It took 1 hour to San Pedro and then another 1hr 20mins stopover before continuing to Santiago.
I personally felt that was very similar to outlying islands in Hong Kong but you can see how the local life, market and chapel there.

How nice the locals are

Inside a temple of the Island, the chief is helping locals to do request by offering cigarette to the statue (the ethic religion is on top of the popular catholic belief they have)

Beautiful Souvenirs

我住的hotel是hotel el sol
I lived in Hotel el Sol

single room with bath
Hotel El Sol - Salida a Santa Catarina Palopó, Barrio Jucanyá Panajacjel, Sololá Guatemala, C.A.
150Q / noche (provided free coffee, tea and water)

****all the prices here are asof 2012

Mexico陸路過Guatemala (Crossing from Mexico to Guatemala by land)

由Mexico陸路過去Guatemala有幾個關卡,Chiapas省邊境小鎮 Ciudad Cuauhtemoc、Tapachula 和Frontera Corozal。

San Cristobal出發,地理上應到邊境小鎮 Ciudad Cuauhtemoc 再過
境轉車。我在tuxtla gutierrez被OCC的姐姐點左去Tapachula,因為那裡係有車去Guatemala,但主要去Guatemala city,而且車次不密,如miss了一班,可能要等12小時,而這個鎮對我並沒有什麼要看的地方。如要到Antigua/Panajachel,就要在Guatemala邊境轉坐chicken bus。(但要留意假日班次相對少、而last bus也早完)
Frontera Corozal就比較接近Flores/Tikal。所以,如像我般由Mexico Chiapas先往Antigua/Panajachel,再去Tikal,而又要返回Mexico Palenque;我建議到Ciudad Cuauhtemoc 再過境轉車到Panajachel,回程才由Tikal到Bethel或La Técnica坐船到Frontera Corozal。(為省時,我take bus再join了tour參觀邊境Bonampak和Yaxchilán,再坐bus往Palenque,約7pm到達)


***從Frontera Corozal 出發,要轉船、轉車,如行李可以輕省點會更好,因為坐船要由岸上帶行李到船上,要經過泥路。
過境留意其實沒有所謂的離境稅,但當全車人都照pay,又話要receipt要回頭返去市區銀行,很花時間。我觀察就是san Juan司機同關員串謀。邊境有人會同你兌換Mexican Peso成quetzal ,但最好帶美金在銀行換,黑市有風險***

Lets Tango探戈探戈

No basta con tener la voz más melodiosa para entonar un tango. No. Hay que sentirlo, además. Hay que vivir su espíritu. 

Carlos Gardel 

Tango, part of Argentina culture, is sexy and mysterious.  Don't miss the chance to tango when you visit Argentina!

Where to see - 
Free street performance are daily there at Galerias Pacificos while I like to go to sit in Cafe at Plaza Dorrego in San Telmo or La Boca on Sunday.  
For free (that is, donation) tango in Buenos Aires, head to Galerías Pacíficos for daily street performances; Sundays in San Telmo, dancers do their thing in Plaza Dorrego (but i

t's crowded, so watch your bag). Another good bet is weekends on Caminito in La Boca.

Read more: http://www.lonelyplanet.com/argentina/travel-tips-and-articles/76404#ixzz2w17HfrBW
Galerias Pacificos每天都有免費街頭表演,而我,喜歡週日坐在San Telmo的Plaza Dorrego,或La Boca區的咖啡館

More formal one with history - 

Cafe Tortoni is with 150 years of history and you can dine as well as watching Tango shows there.  Next to it is the Museo de Tango for exhibition of Tango history.

Avenida de MayoTortoni咖啡廳,有著150年歷史和美麗的裝修所以長期都排著冒名而來的人龍,可考慮前往進餐和看探戈。左邊就是Museo de Tango,1樓是展覽室,展覽探戈的發展歷史和曲調變化。

Where to learn - 

I have learnt tango at 3rd floor of Museo de Tango where the daily classes begin at 3pm every day.  (15pesos /class, price at 2010)
Museo de Tango3樓是學探戈的跳舞室;每天由3時開始都有課堂(15peso/堂,2010價)

If you want outdoor experience, there is free one at Bandstand in Barrancas de Belgrano, where casual milonga 'La Glorieta' held every sunday evenings 8pm (free class given earlier).
如果你想到戶外體驗,有在Barrancas de Belgrano樂台每週日晚上8時Milonga前有免費班。

another bigger group which I have not tried before.以下這見比較大一點,但我沒曾嘗試。

For a unique outdoor experience, head to the bandstand at the Barrancas de Belgrano, where the casual milonga 'La Glorieta' takes place on Sunday evenings at around 8pm (free tango lessons given earlier).

Read more: http://www.lonelyplanet.com/argentina/travel-tips-and-articles/76404#ixzz2w1AP6oK6


or free (that is, donation) tango in Buenos Aires, head to Galerías Pacíficos for daily street performances; Sundays in San Telmo, dancers do their thing in Plaza Dorrego (but it's crowded, so watch your bag). Another good bet is weekends on Caminito in La Boca.

Read more: http://www.lonelyplanet.com/argentina/travel-tips-and-articles/76404#ixzz2w16liZ25

Quizás, quizás, quizás - Maybe,Maybe,Maybe - 或許、或許、或許

Lyrics © Warner/Chappell Music

Siempre que te pregunto 
Que cuándo cómo y dónde 
(cuándo = when, cómo = how ,dónde =where )

Tú siempre me respondes  
Siempre = always = 常常, respondes = reply = 回答)
Quizás, quizás, quizás 

Y así pasan los días 
( los días =the days =日子,pasan= pass = 過去)
Y yo desesperado 
desesperado = desperate = 失落)
Y tú, tú, contestando 
Quizás, quizás, quizás, 

Estás perdiendo el tiempo 
Estás perdiendo = is losing = 正流逝)
Pensando, pensando 
pensando = thinking = 思考)
Por lo que más tú quieras 
Hasta cuando, hasta cuando
Hasta cuando =until when = 直到何時)

Y así pasan los días 
Y yo desesperado 
Y tú, tú contestando 
Quizás, quizás, quizás

教你如何吃阿根挺扒 Cómo comer el bife de Argentina (Sirloin Steak)

我很愛吃阿根挺的牛肉,但每次走進扒房,看到長長的餐單 - bifé de chorizo, Tapa de Asado, falda....等等,就會不知怎樣叫,因為不知道是牛的哪些部分。
I really like the beef of Argentina, but when you enter into the steak house, you see a list like bifé de chorizo, Tapa de Asado, falda....etc.  You may have your mouth wide open and dont know what to order.
¿Cómo sabes que parte de carne es para bifé de chorizo, Tapa de Asado, falda....?

Here s the picture with different parts for your reference
Aquí tiene el foto con la explanación

怎樣煮 -
How to order -

當侍應問¿Cómo cocinar?
the waiter will ask ¿Cómo cocinar?

Your response -
casi crudo (nearly raw, 近生)
medio crudo (medium near raw, 半熟近生)
medio cocido (medium cooked, 半熟較熟)
bien cocido (well cooked, 全熟)

Waterfall of Iguazu 伊瓜蘇瀑布Iguazu Cataratas

電影【春光乍洩】裡,梁朝偉前往伊瓜蘇『當我站在瀑布前,覺得非常難過;我總覺得,瀑布下應該有兩個人 。』    

In the film "Happy Together", Tony Leung went to Iguazu "In front of the waterfall, I feel very sad as I think it should be two of us here"

En el pelicula "Happy Together", Tony Leung fue a Iguazu y dice "Enfrente del catarata, estoy muy triste porque solamente estoy aquí, no nosotros"

What is special here?
Què es especial aquí

横跨阿根廷和巴西的大瀑布,比尼加拉瀑布高和寬。有名的魔鬼深喉82米高,寬150米,長700米。The Iguazu Falls stretch over Brazil and Argentina, taller than Niagara Falls and twice as wide. Devil’s Throat, a long chasm that is 82 metres high, 150 metres wide and 700 metres long. 
Las Cataratas del Iguazú se extienden Argentina y Brasil. Es más alto que las Cataratas del Niágara y el doble de ancho. la Garganta del Diablo, un largo abismo que es de 82 metros de altura, 150 metros de ancho y 700 metros de largo.


遊客可以從巴西Foz、阿根廷Puerto Iguazu,或從巴拉圭Ciudad del Este前往。
Visitors can reach the falls from Foz do Iguaçu in Brazil and Puerto Iguazú in the Argentina, or from Ciudad del Este in Paraguay.
Los visitantes pueden llegar a las cataratas de Foz de Iguazú en Brasil y Puerto Iguazú en la Argentina, o desde Ciudad del Este en Paraguay.

Visitors to Brazil are advised to see the Iguazu Falls during spring or autumn, as summer is very hot and humid, while the water level drops considerably in the winter.
Se aconseja a los visitantes a Brasil para ver las Cataratas del Iguazú durante la primavera o el otoño, cuando el verano es muy caluroso y húmedo, mientras que el nivel del agua baja considerablemente durante el invierno.

1 litre of tears 一公升的眼淚 Sub español

On the opposite coast of sadness
is something called a smile
But before we can go there,
is there something we're waiting for?
In order to chase our dreams, we can't have a reason to run away
We've got to go, to that far away summer's day
If we find it tomorrow, we can't sigh
Because like a boat that opposes the stream
we have to walk straight on
In a place worn down by sadness
something called a miracle, is waiting
Yet we are still searching
for the sunflower that grows at the end of spring
The warrior who awaits the morning light
before he can clasp it with red nails, his tears glitter and fall
Even if we've grown used to loneliness
only relying on the light of the moon
We have to fly away with featherless wing
just go forward, just a little further
As the rainclouds break
the wet streets sparkling
Although it brings only darkness
A powerful, powerful light
helps push us to walk on