多姿多彩墨西哥Vamos a Mexico

我在墨西哥兩年裡,每個週末都會到附近的小鎮遊玩,如有長假就更會到國內其他景點或鄰近中美國家。墨西哥地貌多變,東南西北各有不同,北部是乾旱沙漠、溫差很大;首都墨西哥城處於中部高原地區,5,000 米的山脈和美麗殖民地小鎮都近在咫尺;東南部是潮濕的熱帶雨林,其中隱藏著瑪雅遺址,走到海岸那邊就是加勒比海的陽光與海灘,亦是世界第二大珊瑚礁。
During these 2 years when I was in Mexico, I have been traveling to the nearby towns every weekend.  If there is vacation, I will even travel to sightseeing points farther or some neighbor countries.  Mexico is with different landscape from north to south, North is a desert with big temperature differences during the day, Mexico city is located in the Middle highland area with many beautiful colonial towns; South east is the rainforest where Maya heritage coincide and there comes Carribean Sea near costal area.

Map of Mexico @Copyright of Lonely Planet
You will feel satisfied to visit Mexico no matter you like Maya heritage, colonial building, hiking in gorge or snowy mountain, or enjoy the sun & beach!

Here summarized my travel itinerary for different parts in Mexico where you may integrate some of them (e.g. item 4 & 5) 
1- Mexico City + Puebla 4日(Guanajuato可+1日)
2 - Oaxaca  4日
3 - Chihuahua看峽谷4日
4 - San Cristobal de las Casas + Palenque + Merida 7
5 - Cancún3
6 - Los Cabos 4日
7 - Veracruz  4日

相關遊記如下 - 
Agua Azul , Chiapas IIChiapas I
Butterfly Observation in Michoacán
Whale Observation in Los Cabos
Oaxaca - La Noche de Rábanos
Copper Canyon in Chihuahua (II)
Copper Canyon in Chihuahua (I)

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